Prog.AI for DevRel

Simply the most complete data-platform of software developers in the world

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Prog.AI uses proprietary AI technology to accurately profile developers’ skills and technologies based on their actual contributions to open-source projects

4x Bigger
Our database has over 60M complete developer profiles that mapped to about more than 50,000 different technologies and skills. This means that we often find 4 times more profiles than our competitors
400% Better
The accuracy of the Prog.AI developer profiles will mean that you will get 400% higher response rates from any outreach you do as your messaging can be more targeted
5 Times Faster
Prog.AI’s database is designed to be easily searched using relevant criteria which means we can deliver your data in days, compared to our competitors taking weeks

Prog.AI for DevRel

Target Developers
Use Prog.Al's developer database to create omnichannel campaigns to better grow, engage and educate your developer community
Generate Leads
Analyze your developer community to determine the company and title of the developers to get leads for your sales team
Custom Analytics
Conduct custom analytics to segment of your developer universe, gain insights for developer collateral, or understand other market trends

What Our Customers Say

“We are building open source tools at Iterative. Prog.AI helped us understand who are our stargazers on GitHub, and what companies they are working at.”
Ivan Shcheklein
Ivan Shcheklein
CTO  and co-founder of
“We run webinars for data engineers to show how easy it is to build data pipelines with dltHub. Prog.AI generated a list of contacts of data engineers who code on Python so we could invite them to our webinars.”
Matthaus Krzwowski
co-founder and CEO of dltHub
We build an AI assistant that writes tests for Java projects. Prog.AI generated a list of Java engineers who build tests and we ran LinkedIn ads for them. Target audience generated by Prog.AI drives 4.2x more conversions!
Vlad Yanchenko
founder of